Chair's Message

Welcome to the Department of Statistics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong!

Since it was established in 1982, there have been many exciting and productive times in the Department. Our mission aligns with that of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and we strive to provide students state-of-the-art statistical education as well as to conduct cutting-edge statistical research. At present, the Department offers four undergraduate programmes, three research postgraduate programmes leading to MPhil and PhD degrees, and three taught postgraduate programmes.

For more than four decades the Department has accommodated world-class faculty members with diverse research areas including statistical finance and risk management science, statistical theory and methodology, big data, biostatistics and bioinformatics, and other areas of cross-disciplinary research.

In today’s Information Age, Statistics has become an indispensable tool in many diverse branches of natural sciences, medical sciences, social sciences, biomedical sciences, finance, economics, engineering, etc. Our faculty and staff are ready to meet these new challenges. Our goal is always to be nothing less than a world-class statistics department, providing the highest quality education and leading-edge research.

Junhui Wang
Professor and Chair
Department of Statistics